Hello and welcome to My blog.
Why am I blogging? There are thousands probably millions of blogs out there. Does the world need one more?
It’s a good question.
My name’s Juliette Davis and I’m a writer, well I suppose, to be more precise I’m in training to be a writer. The training takes me to numerous writers’ courses and workshops.
The tutors always say, ‘To start, make sure you have a blog so everyone knows who you are. And it’s a good marketing platform,’ or words to that effect. They say it regularly and often.
I’ve got the message. To be a writer I need a blog.
I don’t have anything to market, yet, but I do have the makings of a book that one day will be something to market. At the moment it is a manuscript – a manuscript that has been through various editing and rewriting processes.
So why a Blog? The cry from the tutors is, ‘Get a presence on social media’. ‘Get out in the world’ ‘Make yourself known to the universe’. In short throw yourselves to the wolves.
I’ve spent the last few weeks wandering through the internet reading blogs. I love travel blogs. They are a time-wasting pleasure. I read about people backpacking around the world, or travelling solo from place to place. Some of them are laugh out loud or a bit disturbing and if you’re a photographer there photos are to die for. These word travellers are all great photographers. It must go with the territory.
Here’s one I particularly like.
All this blog reading has made me keener to start my writing blog so I too can travel, that is, travel with my manuscript through its journey to publication.
I will blog of other things too; books, gardens but mostly about writing – mine and other peoples. It is one way to immerse myself in the writing world.